Exceptional fossils, minerals, and meteorites for interior designers, collectors, and museums
Museum Services
Assembly of Mounted Fossil Specimens Fossil Preparation and Repair Supply of Finished Fossil Specimens
"...In my 30 years working in palaeontology I have gotten to work with some outstanding folks in the field. You stand head and shoulders above them all in your approach, analysis and operational procedures..."
-Dr. Phillip Manning, Reader in Palaeobiology, Head of Palaeontology Research Group and STFC Science in Society Fellow, University of Manchester, England
GeoDecor President , Thomas Lindgren, is curator of the T. rex known as Samson and is exclusively specified by Lloyd's of London insurers to move and assemble this highly valued piece (video below.) The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History have secured Mr. Lindgren's services in the installation of Samson. Please contact us with your needs.
Time Lapse Assembly of Samson, the T. rex
at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History